麗斯美國 -「精英院校計劃 Elite Program」助你進入你心儀的大學


因免除了SAT,今年申入讀美國傳統名牌大學可謂史無前例的激烈,而本中心的學生卻接連收到取錄喜訊。 最新獲悉有同學被 Carnegie Mellon 取錄,早前已有不少同學經 Freshmen Entry 或Transfer獲名校錄取。美國大學錄取名單包括: 卡內基梅隆大學 CMU, UCLA, UCB, UMich-Ann Arbor, NYU, UW Seattle, GIT, Brandeis, UIUC, UT Austin 及更多。


進入美國頂尖大學的一般傳統途徑:以最近三年校內成績直接考入大學,成績必須出眾(通常香港就讀之 top 10%成績的同學),基準試SAT方面,以2,400分為滿分,須考獲2,000分或以上,並遞交達水平的TOEFL或IELTS成績,以及老師推薦信、自薦信等。

麗斯精英院校計劃 Elite Program

目標院校 – 美國新聞百強大學及著名中學。本中心的資深顧間可助同學申請進入美國競爭較大的院校,使你可以尊心學習及應付各項的考試。麗斯升學專家可幫助你繁鎮的申請程序,避免一些易犯的錯誤。此計劃包括各著名中學及大學。我們更提供各種備考班,助你深入了解如SAT, ACT 及 SSAT 等公開試。


* 選校諮詢與建議

* 個人能力與選修學科評估

* 初選學校分析1~8所

* 指導撰寫選修學科計劃, 個人陳述 (Personal Statement)

* 指導面試技巧

* 輔導學生簽證申請



Comprehensive College Counseling

We help you achieve your admissions potential and college choices. Partner with Litz to maximize your college admission chance!

8th – 11th Grade (F.2 to F.5)

Exploring Majors/ Careers, Academic and Course planning, Academic tutoring, Test Prep, managing activities and improving GPA/ grades

11th Grade (F.5)

Exploring Colleges, Preparing College Essays/ Personal Statement and Finding the right school

12th Grade (F.6)

College Application Support, College Essay Revision, Activity Sheet editing, Supplemental materials preparation, College Search Process, Selecting Majors/ Minors, Completing College Application & Scholarship, and Preparing for Interviews

* We offer our students 4 packages to choose from:

* College Essay Workshop

* We help our students brainstorm topics, edit a college activity sheet and craft a compelling personal statement.

* These college essays will complete the college essay section of the Common Application.

* 6 schools Package

For details, please call 2391-9713 for further details or send your enquiry to “education@litzusa.com”.