
Albright College

American University (MA)

“Dear Ms. Poon,

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you for recommending me to study at Albright College.

The second semester of my freshman year has already been halfway through, and I am glad to tell you that I am really contented and satisfied with my school life so far, as it has been tremendously fruitful.

To be precise, I participate in numerous extra-curricular activities. Last semester, I entered the school’s cross country team and experienced distance running for the first time in my life, which was challenging and fun. This semester, I am taking part in the track team as a distance runner and am going to do the 800m run. Throughout the time of practices and meets, I met many good and supporting teammates and as well broadened my social network. Moreover, I am also able to advance my interest in music – the violin. Since last semester started, I have been taking private violin lessons and also joining the school’s strings orchestra. We had several concerts and thankfully, a Hong Kong student and I are asked by the conductor to play duets in the coming concert, which I am really looking forward to. Furthermore, as an international student at Albright, I get to enter the ISA, which is known as the International Students Association. The ISA holds different activities frequently, like movie nights or ski trips, and helps me connect more with other international and some American students.

Regarding my grades, I am also grateful for the decent learning environment and guidance of professors. Classmates are welcoming and kind. More importantly, professors are helpful and treat everyone equally, which avoid me from emphasizing myself as a foreigner.

I could not thank you enough for all your hard work regarding my admission to Albright College. At Albright College, I am able to explore my interests and develop different skills. And not to mention, I get to know diverse people from all over the world. I will keep going and working hard, and will let you know if I have any other fun stories to share!

Yours sincerely,
