Marian High School 瑪麗安高中
Marian High School 瑪麗安高中
Marian High School 注重學生精神和道德的培養,除了提供各種課程滿足學生需求外,還提供大學預備課程,Marian High School 培養學生良好的職業操守和批判性思維,為學生的終身學習做好準備。
Marian High School 提供旨在使所有學生為未來教育做好準備的涉及面廣的課程。該校志在打造注重學生在學習、社會和心靈方面獲得成長的環境,而學生參與義工服務也是學校教育的一部分。
環境 | 位於Mishawaka |
學校類別 | 美國中學 |
學費 | 美金$9,500 |
住宿安排 | 寄宿家庭 |
學校網址 | http://www.marianhs.org/index.aspx |
州份 | Indiana 印第安納州 |
鄰近城市 | South Bend |
建校年份 | 1964 |
入學要求 | 香港中三 |
收生季度 | 秋季/夏季 |
開授班級 | 9-12年級 |
學生人數 | 約710人 |
海外學生 | |
師生比例 | 14:1 |
地圖 |
Library, dining hall, outdoor track, gymnasium, performing arts center etc.
English, Theology, World Geography/WorldHistory, U.S.History, Government/Economics, Science, Mathematics, Health, Physical Education, Fine/Practical Arts, Computer Science etc.
Opportunities for service activities are provided through the curriculum and co-curricular clubs and organizations.
Ambassadors/Leadership Team, Art Club, Bowling, Campus Ministry, Cheerleading, Chorus, Class Officers, Creative Writing Club, Diversity Coalition, Drama (Cast and Crew), Environmental Club, French Club, German Club, Homecoming Committee, Intramurals, Jr., ROTC, Junior Civitan, Latin Club, Liturgical Choir, Mock Trial, National Honor Society, Newspaper, Pep Club, Photography Club, Pom/Dance Squad, Student Council, Thespian Society, Yearbook etc.
At MarianHigh School, students develop spiritually, morally, academically, socially, and physically. The rich athletic tradition at Marian has been an important part of the total development of many outstanding young men and women. Marian is a proud member of the Northern Indiana Conference (NIC) and participates in 23 varsity sports. Marian also offers junior varsity and freshman programs. Approximately 70% of the student body participates in interscholastic athletics, while more participate in the intramural program. Participation has included much success. In the 47 years of the Marian tradition, athletics have earned a number of awards including three football, two hockey state championships, one boy’s golf state championship, and one rugby state championship. Athletics are kept in proper perspective, recognizing that a student-athlete is a student first, and an athlete second.